Monday, November 16, 2015

Freewrite 11/16/15

With Thanksgiving coming right around the corner, I thought I would write about what I really am thankful for. Personally I am so thankful for everything in my life. Throughout my 17 years of life, the people around me have molded me to be the person I am today. I could not be more thankful for my friends. Today, I can honestly say I have met some of the greatest people in my life through sports and school. My best friend, I met in Kindergarten and now we are both playing varsity baseball together. I think thats the coolest. He and I have grown up in front of each others eyes and we both have made our parents very proud. I am also so thankful for the other friends I have made. Although most of my closest friends I play baseball with, I would not want it to be any other way. Theres something special about going to practice everyday and bonding with those guys and making memories that will last a lifetime. For all those memories, theres always a few dumb mistakes, but I am thankful I have made those mistakes because they have made me a better person. And of course, I am beyond thankful for my family. My brother Ryan, has always been a role model to me. Growing up, my brother would never let me win in anything, and I believe thats why I am so competitive today. I am thankful he has always been so kind and supportive to me. And then there are my parents. I would literally not be anywhere today if it weren't for them. They have given me the greatest gift of all and thats life and happiness. They have made sure my brother and I grow up in a loving and fun environment and I am so thankful for that. I am beyond thankful for the sacrifices they have made for my brother and I and I could not be more thankful for my family and friends continued good health and good blessings. Theres a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving...

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